CentOS 7 Tips

Manage additional Repositories For CentOS 7 there exist additional repositories; for additional codecs for example. This website lists the most useful ones. I use the Nux-Dextop repository but I don’t want to have it turned on the whole time. So I use sudo yum-config-manager --enable nux-dextop to enable this repo. And when I’m done installing or updating with yum, I use sudo yum-config-manager --disable nux-dextop to disable this repo again. [Read More]

Dropbox in CentOs 7

Install Dropbox in CentOS 7 This website has a nice overview over the installation process. First, you need to sudo yum install libgnome and then download the Dropbox Fedora (.rpm) package from Dropbox and install it with sudo rpm -ivh nautilus-dropbox[...].rpm Then you can start Dropbox and log in with your accound details. Repair package manager yum If you use yum (e.g yum update) after Dropbox installation, you will probably encounter an error that a certain . [Read More]